My name is Gerome Soriano and I am the Greatest Kite Aerial Photographer of the Philippines.
I have been doing kite aerial photography since 2011 when I did it for my college thesis at the University of Santo Tomas College of Fine Arts and Design.
Now my challenge is to capture kite aerial photographs of the wonderful places and people from all around the Philippines :)
To invite more Filipinos to join me in practicing kite aerial photography.
And to rekindle the Filipino tradition of kite-flying :)
Now I am going to share you the brief history of Aerial Photography :)
From the beginning of time; in myth, story and dreams, man has been drawn to the "view from above". The aerial perspective helps to orient us within our world. The "view from above" provides a context for our place in our neighborhood, community, region and the world at large. Dreams of flying have been our companion from the first dawning of consciousness. The longing to defy gravity, to rise above the minutia of life and escape the temporal limits of our earth-bound bodies transcends all geographical, cultural and ethnic boundries. As man first began his climb to the stars, one of his first acts was to strive to share the transcendent experience through photography. Consequently the history of flying and aerial photography are deeply linked. As man climes higher into the stars the one certainty is that his one enduring companion will be the camera.
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Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija- limited edition kite aerial photography print - archival type C print
for inquiries about my prints email me at