Sunsets vs. Buildings

Last week most of my time have been dedicated to doing this so I don't want this work to sink like nothing like some of my work did.

The idea behind this work is to play chess while having a nice educated discussion around the issue of the planned reclamation in the Manila Bay area.

Why chess? Because when I used to go to UST during college I would pass by a chess playing area set up by the barangay in front of a bakery. Which is something I only saw in Manila. I think there were three tables.

I think that people are much more civil talking about issues around a chess board compared to a round of beer.

And Marcel Duchamp, the propagator of conceptual art, likes to place chess.

The blue ones are the "buildings" they contain images of condos, buildings, reclamation sites, etc. The red ones are the "sunsets" containing images of the famed Manila Bay sunset.

Disqus for Gerome Soriano