Three tries to get the best

In processing my images I rarely know both what I want to get and how to go about getting the result I want.

Most of the time I know what I want to get. The feel, the color, the aesthetics of the final image in my mind.

Like the one in my kite aerial photography work. I know that I want the audience to feel the intense heat of the scorching sun during the taking ot that photography. I want them to feel the vibrant, lively and the animated colors of the kite that was evoking such emotions on the onlookers.

But I don’t know how to go about doing that. The solution is to process the photograph several times, in different settings, and approaches. Compare the results. Retain those edits that come close to my vision of the final image.

And from there on select the processed files that will work and will not work. Then apply the processes that get the results I want on the other images from the same setting, location and feel.

That is why it takes me long to process an image. Even longer when processing a series that I intend to have a common feel through out the series. Everything is a learning process. A process of trying things out and learning what works and what does not.

In this way my mind is at peace. That I have done my best to get the best.

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