some notes and learning from the photoespana event in manila
some things i learned from photoespana workshop 7/18
there can always room for improvement
something to try - creating a short statement at the beginning of a project
or in the case of a project started with the works, developing a statement somewhere in the middle, to define the scope of a project
or in the case of a project started with the works, developing a statement somewhere in the middle, to define the scope of a project
having some concrete output like a book or an exhibition can help push a project to be completed and/or have a sense of completion, coz sometimes projects becomes too fun and we end up doing them forever and ever. or sometimes we just lost touch with them
martin parr
stephen shore
chame madoz
david fathi
stephen shore
chame madoz
david fathi
we have a powerful advantage having english in our educational system
would be awesome to organize reviews like this, maybe start off with friends to hang out, get feedback, share open calls and opportunities, talk about creating group shows, collaborating
there is concrete value in the platform we created, for people researching photography in the Philippines with the internet
check it out:
check it out:
website tips
ideally separate
commercial and personal (artistic) works
ideally separate
commercial and personal (artistic) works
kim oksun
noh suntog
lee gapchul
hiroshi okimato
noh suntog
lee gapchul
hiroshi okimato
some projects are better in book format than in exhibition format, and the other way around
they like symbolic images
photographs that seem to be very minimal visually
but are loaded with stories and meaning
photographs that seem to be very minimal visually
but are loaded with stories and meaning
on zhuang wubin's talk
so complicated - people expecting something else and wubin focused on something else and not funded
salon photography = photo clubs?
someone, some group should start a ph photo survey
designations such as south east Asia, Philippines, etc are problematic but convenient but problematic
that bomb ponds work is awesome
i still dint get a "possible remediation/reconciliation" tho between the 2 binaries
1 straight photographers vs artists who use photography
2 photography vs art
1 straight photographers vs artists who use photography
2 photography vs art
- my bad too hungry to come up to the mic and ask about it
wubin good answer on the dilemma of the troubled young artist, applaud
on the portfolio reviews
go deeper with my projects - curious how that would look like in reality
the reviewers so far helped me drill down on what my interest really is. and to go in that direction. and to not think so much as to how my works compare to others
so far the response to my video works is good - excited to execute video works i have in mind
excited to shoot and create works after this
to apply and take on more opportunities like this
to apply and take on more opportunities like this
excited to see how the artists would evolve after this
this event also gave me a lot of practice explaining my works, somehow with all the advice from friends, words started to flow and make sense when i was explaining my works
thanks friends! high five!

woah! there were photographers from visayas who flew or sailed to manila just for this event! represents!
i hope in the future, people in mindanao would also be represented in events like this. Or events like this be in visayas or mindanao
folio review
be careful about adding things, one of the things i need to work on
the form of the exhibition can be used to signify something
to try to be more deliberate and intentional in the choice of material
asking self questions: why this? why that?
to try to organize future exhibitions in a way that what they mean is clear without me or the text trying to explain it
to ask people, curator, artists, gallery owners feedback on work
try to get honest advice
try to get honest advice
2 possible ways of doing project
1 having a clear reason why a project needs to be done, then doing it or
2 having images, pieces for a project, then figuring out along the way why i'm making those pieces
1 having a clear reason why a project needs to be done, then doing it or
2 having images, pieces for a project, then figuring out along the way why i'm making those pieces
curious to know what other participants learned
have better quality documentation of exhibitions
to bad, we did not have a section in the review where we could see each others work
thanks for the spanish embassy for putting this together - guillermo, inigo, and the awesome people working with them
the reviewers for flying in, sharing their expertise - zhuang wubin, jungmin, ana morales, eva mcgovern, yeye cruz
pioneer for hosting - katya, at, ringo, melissa, their new staff, anika
awesome to meet new and old friends alike
the reviewers for flying in, sharing their expertise - zhuang wubin, jungmin, ana morales, eva mcgovern, yeye cruz
pioneer for hosting - katya, at, ringo, melissa, their new staff, anika
awesome to meet new and old friends alike