Proposal: Certificate of Authenticity of a Certificate of Authencity Infinitum

Exhibit Title

Certificate of Authenticity of a Certificate of Authencity Infinitum


A blank piece of paper will be "certified" as "authentic" by a Certificate of an Authenticity. That will in turn be certified by another Certificate of Authencity. And so on.

The idea is to raise questions about "Certificates", "Authenticity" and "Certificate of Authenticities".

Especially in terms of how they work in the context of Contemporary Art where some works are ephemereal, non-objective or simply difficult to "collect" compared to traditional forms of art.

Is the "Certificate of Authencity" not an artwork itself? Do the work really need the certificate to be "complete"? How does the certificate affect the work? etc.

Variations: Artwork consignment form, artwork documentation


Various such as ready made, paint on canvas, sound on cassette tape, and print on paper.

Number of works

20 in varying sizes around 8 by 10 inches to 10 by 15 inches.
And a book compiling the photographs of the works.

Installation requirements

Blu tack for installing paper working.

Wall mounting for framed and canvas works.

Pedestal for the book and exhibit collateral.

Disqus for Gerome Soriano